Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Who Will I Not Watch on the Show That I've Never Watched Now?

In news that will no doubt stun those who like things that are not at all entertaining in any capacity conceivable to man, Rosie O'Donnell has announced that she will be leaving "The View" in June.

The official word on Rosie's departure appears to be that she is exiting of her own volition; however, her headline-grabbing feud with Donald Trump as well as her more recent public dig at Rupert Murdoch at the New York Women in Communication awards luncheon (which compelled "The View" queen bee Barbara Walters to state that she was "very fond of" Murdoch (and, hey--who isn't?) will doubtlessly lead many to suspect that O'Donnell was forced off the show.

Not me, though. I don't care enough to have an opinion. I'm into television shows that aren't a dire threat to humanity.

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