Friday, February 9, 2007

Me vs. My Page-A-Day Mensa Puzzle Calendar - 02/09/07

QUESTION: "A simple substitution code has been used to conceal a 'quote.' Work out the code to decipher the original words.

"Little Miss Muffet:
9 14-5-22-5-18 12-9-11-5-4 3-21-18-4-19 1-14-4 23-8-5-25 20-15 2-5-7-9-14 23-9-20-8.

MY ANSWER: "I never liked curds and whey to begin with." (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.)

ACTUAL ANSWER: "I never liked curds and whey to begin with." (1=A, 2=B, 3=C, etc.)

CONSENSUS: Man, when they say "simple", they mean it. I suspect that my Mensa calendar's ATM PIN might be "1-2-3-4-5".

1 comment:

suaros said...

23-8-5-25 20-15 7-15!

Homonymfic things not to say when standing in the order line at your neighborhood eatery.